Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Minal aidin Wa fa Idzin
I m sory if i very much missing word and act....
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Flood in Tanah Bumbu - south borneo
Development only based on economical interest eventullly would threathen the security of living sustainability. When disaster attacks, the question is who would be most impacted. Is it the authorities-govern bodies, industrialists-enterpreneurs or marginalized people?
Non-environment perspective
Economic development, so far, puts natural resources as trade commodities. That is why exploitation of natural resources is done excessively and massively ignoring environmental ecologicy, social and impacts analysis aspects. Even if there are some pro-environment policies and development, still they are not enourh to tackle the fast-growing environmental destruction rate because the nature of their presence is only as "the complementary tool" so the overall development program would look accomodative and having vision of sustainable development.
Sustainable development, the government mentioned all the time, in fact still put economical (mostly short term) interestsin the mainstream rather than the sustainability of life it self. In the concept, it is the "development" that is sustainable, while the live sustainability is ignored. Natural resources' exploitation is too much for the natural suppotive capacity and far beyond the limit.
Many policy issued, whether by the local or central government, tend to ease the way of massive explotation without considering the aspect of environmental balance. Forest areas which supposed to be protected for its supporting function, are the exploitated as the govermnet legally giving mining permits to do mining activities in conservational forest areas. Padahal, deforestation has taken place in almost 50 percent forest of South Kalimantan. Installed capacity of timber industry in South Kalimantan is over three million metric cubic per year. Obviously far beyond natural supply capacity of the existing forest.
The establishment of a chip-mill in Ale-ale village, in Kotabaru Regency and the plan to build pulp mill in Sungai Cuka Village in Satui, Tanah Bumbu Regency with installed capacity as much as 600 thousand up to one million tonnes per year is widening the gap between demand and supply of timber. Thus, any effort to fill in the gap would be a thread for the existence of environment, especially the natural forest.
Meratus Mountains as one of the most important part to province's environmental condition stabil and as the last "fortress" of natural rain-forest ecosystem is continously razored by illegal logging activity or mining activities (legal and illegal ones). In addition to hundreds of newly issued mining authority letters for coal mining (Izin Kuasa Pertambangan) and PKP2B to compile about three hundreds of total mining permission in South Kalimantan, three active HPH, four active IPK, six active HTI and 46 permits for large scale plantation. That's the portrait of ignoring the environment developmet.
Harvesting disaster
June 2006, flood swept away four regency in South Kalimantan. They are Banjar, Tanah Laut, Tanah Bumbu and Kotabaru Regency. The victims are 12.2048 people, nine death, thousands of hectares farmland and houses sinked, hundreds of kilometers public road are broken, and the total estimated loss is reaching 146,457 billion rupiah. (From presentation of Vice Governor of South Kalimantan, 2006). That's the recorded data from the government, I believe the fact is more than that, especially as we talk about social loss due to the disaster.
Not long after the flood, in August 2006, another disaster occured. Forest and peatland fire. Smog becomes the main issue and reaches its peak on November 2006. According to Head of Provincial Health Agency, as noted in October 2006, air pollution standard index shows a very high level of air pollution. Level of paticulates in the air is 640 u/m3, whereas the healthy standard is no more than 150 u/m3. It means that the air is not good for human health. It then becomes the cause of some illness such as acute respiratory infection, eye and skin iritation, even psychological pressure for the people.
From the series of disaster happened, important aspect to be considered is the ecological destruction and climate pattern, and the way used by the government to cope with the disasters. In the dry season, we always run out of water and in the rainy season we have flood. It indicates that all of the infrastructure built to manipulate the environmental condition has failed. The main cause of the problem is nor properly handled. Crises and another crises caused by mis-management of natural resources leads to an inevitably ecological disaster.
Flood, drought, forest and peatland fire, and smog shouldn't only be seen as a natural cycle an incidentally occured, but it should have been seen as something caused by human fault. Humans blessed with brain and knowledge shuld have been able to have a maximum preventive action in coping with the disaster. But, almost in every disaster, only a slow reactive action applied in the handling.
Regarding the disasters, the government actually already prepare a special agency that function to deal with them. But, the government fail to optimize the capacity and function of the agency. Not to mention about the coping pattern and disaster management risk that never change to be better. In fact, we have mane experts in that field.
If we analyze, the disaster management plan applied in South Kalimantan and generally in Indonesia is done by conventional approach and by external mechanism. In planning to cope with the disaster (in the phase of prevention, mitigation, emergency action, rehabilitation and reconstruction) that stated in Decree of Minister of people welfare
Tracking back the cause, disaster is misunderstood. So far, the government considers disaster as a disturbance of the normel development. Disaster is vieved as an independent phenomenon and doesn't have cause and effect with other. So only emergency action is done to deal with disaster.
The inapropriate understanding then leads to an inapropriate disaster coping strategy. The emergency action strategy used is only aimed at making thing back to the situation prior to the disaster. It takes extra budget, and tends to require more and more money every year. While the long term coping strategy in form of Disaster Management Risk, as a way to prepare for the disaster and then minimize the damage caused by disaster, is not the main attention in the coping strategy. The government has not been able to provide the people's rights of good, safe, comfort and healthy environment.
Disasters, flood, drought, forest fire and smog attack in 2006 had shown how that the unwise management of natural resources is the main cause. Besides, development plans and activities are never considering their impact towards the environment in order to anticipate disaster they may cause. In other words, there's no risk management in the development program.
Preventing disaster is not a part of development process in the country. So, in dealing with disaster, it is the emergency reaction chosen instead of disaster prevention action. In fact, if the development activity plan is combined with risk management, the disaster would have been able to be anticipated to lessen its impact.
If this time we are harvesting disasters, it is the fruit of the unwise development in the state that in turn creating ecological crises and making the people of the nation live in misery. Then, we supposed to ask ourselves the nature of the development conducted by the state. For what and for who?
Batulicin - south Borneo
Batu Licin, Tanah Bumbu
Provinsi | Kalimantan Selatan |
Kabupaten | Tanah Bumbu |
Camat | Drs H Fadliansyah Akbar |
Luas | -5.066,96 km² |
Jumlah penduduk | -184.006 jiwa (2000) |
- Kepadatan | - jiwa/km² |
Desa/kelurahan | - |
Batu Licin adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia.
South Borneo
Banjarmasin is the capital of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is located at 3°20′S, 114°35′E, on a delta island near the junction of the Barito and Martapura rivers. As a result, Banjarmasin is sometimes called the "River City". Its population is about 444,000 (1991), making it the forth largest city on Borneo.[citation needed]
Banjarmasin is served by the Syamsudin Noor Airport, which is located about 25 km outside the town. The town is also served by a port, named Pelabuhan Trisakti Banjarmasin. A fairly important deepwater port, Pelabuhan Trisakti Banjarmasin is the trade center of the Barito basin; exports include rubber, pepper, timber, petroleum, coal, gold, and diamonds. Passenger ships and ferries to and from Java also carry their operation here.
The city is laced with flood-prone waterways, and many houses are built on rafts or stilts over the water. Many of such waterways are also used for travel, using relatively small rowboats (only major rivers are accessible by larger speedboats, tugboats, longboats, and barges).
Nan Serunai was an ancient kingdom in South Kalimantan, but soon it was replaced by Buddhist kingdom of Tanjungpuri. In the fourteenth century, Banjarmasin was part of the Hindu kingdom of Negara Dipa and Negara Daha respectfully, a vessel of Majapahit. But Pangeran Samudera converted to become a Muslimin the fifteenth century, and Banjarese people became muslims ever since. The Dutch opened trade there in 1606. The British controlled the city for several brief periods, and in 1787 it became a Dutch protectorate.
The Hikayat Banjar is the chronicle of Banjarmasin. This text, also called the History of Lambung Mangkurat, contains the history of the kings of Banjar and of Kota Waringin in South-east and South Borneo respectively.Local Places of Interest
The Sabilal Muhtadin Mosque, located along the Martapura riverfront, is a major landmark in the city. Built in 1980, the mosque could accommodate thousands of worshippers on Friday prayers. A state university (Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, UNLAM) is also located in the town.
A floating marketplace, where buyers and sellers visit by boat, is located on the western outskirts of town. It is one of the two such marketplace in Southeast Asia, the other one located in Thailand .
A famous local dish is "soto banjar", a kind of a spicy soup usually served with lime. Another notable local dish is "Ketupat Kandangan", a ketupat dish with coconut milk soup (can be served with either chicken or snakehead meat).Air Port
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Kalimantan Selatan secara geografi terletak di sebelah selatan pulau Kalimantan dengan luas wilayah 37.530,52 Km2 atau 3.753.052 ha. Sampai dengan tahun 2004 membawahi kabupaten/kota sebanyak 11 kabupaten/kota dan pada tahun 2003 menjadi 13 kabupaten/kota sebagai akibat dari adanya pemekaran wilayah kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara dengan Kabupaten Balangan dan Kabupaten Kotabaru dengan Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu.
Luas wilayah propinsi tersebut sudah termasuk wilayah laut propinsi dibandingkan propinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Luas wilayah masing-masing Kabupaten Tanah Laut 9,94 %; Tanah Bumbu 13,50%; Kotabaru 25,11%; Banjar 12,45%; Tapin 5,80%; Tabalong 9,59%; Balangan 5,00%; Batola 6,33%; Banjarbaru 0,97% dan Banjarmasin 0,19%. Secara rinci luas wilayah dan batas wilayah serta panjang garis pantai dapat dilihat pada tabel 1
Daerah aliran sungai yang terdapat di Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan adalah : Barito, Tabanio, Kintap, Satui, Kusan, Batulicin, Pulau Laut, Pulau Sebuku, Cantung, Sampanahan, Manunggal dan Cengal. Dan memiliki catchment area sebanyak 10 (sepuluh) lokasi yaitu Binuang, Tapin, Telaga Langsat, Mangkuang, Haruyan Dayak, Intangan, Kahakan, Jaro, Batulicin dan Riam Kanan.
Luas Wilayah, Batas Wilayah dan Panjang Garis Batas Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan Tahun 2004 |
Tanah Laut | 3,729.30 | - | Kab. Banjar | Kab. Tanah Bumbu | Laut Jawa | Laut Jawa | - | - | - |
Tanah Bumbu | 5,066.96 | - | Kab. Banjar | | | | - | - | - |
Kotabaru | 9,422.73 | - | - | Selat Makasar | Laut Jawa | HSU, HST, Banjar, Tala | - | - | - |
Banjar | 4,672.68 | - | HSU, HST | HST, Kotabaru | Tapin | HSU, Tapin | - | - | - |
Tapin | 2,174.95 | - | HSU, HST | HSS | Tapin | Barito Kuala | - | - | - |
HSS | 1,804.94 | - | HST, HSU | Kotabaru, HST | Tapin | HSU, Tapin | - | - | - |
HST | 1,472.00 | - | HSU | Kotabaru, Balangan | HSS | HSU, HSS | - | - | - |
HSU | 892.70 | - | Tabalong | Kotabaru, | HST, HSS | Kalteng | - | - | - |
Balangan | 3,599.95 | - | | | | | - | - | - |
Tabalong | 1,878.30 | - | Kaltim | Kaltim | HSU | Kalteng | - | - | - |
Batola | 2,376.22 | - | HSU, Tapin | Banjar, Kota Banjarmasin | Laut Jawa | Kalteng | - | - | - |
Kota Banjarmasin | 367.12 | - | Barito Kuala | Banjar | Banjar | Batola | - | - | - |
Kota Banjarbaru | 72.67 | - | Banjar | Banjar | Tala | Banjar | - | - | - |
Kalsel. | 37,530.52 | - | Kaltim | Selat Makasar | Laut Jawa | Kalteng | - | - | - |
Spirit Of Life

force that thought rule the world
* Purity is the essence of power
* Eternal love can only emerges from a pure hearth
* The true staight path always feels unstraight
* Observing inner sometimes not as easy as seeing beyond
* A peaceful heart is crafted from a warful spirit
Just alone
alone is boring
alone is likely, sad
at times is't alone good?
or more likely, needed?
at times, you realy need to be alone?
or actually, you realy need someone?
we'll never understand why
why being people need to be alone
they themeselves don't understand it
the answer is simple...
we dont't need to be alone
we just need some one
someone who can understand us...